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THRUSTMASTER TX Racing Wheel Leather Ed. (PC/XB)

Platforms: PC, Xbox

Best for: Experiencing ecosystem

Level: Advanced

In a nutshell: The TX Racing Wheel Leather Edition racing wheel lets gamers truly immerse themselves in the world of car racing, and hone their skills to improve their performance.



  • Length (cm) 
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  • Height (cm) 



THRUSTMASTER TX Racing Wheel Leather Ed. (PC/XB)

  • The TX Racing Wheel Leather Edition features a quick and easy wheel changing system, allowing users to enjoy racing using different Thrustmaster wheels.

    The ecosystem of Thrustmaster add-on wheels, composed of wheels sold separately without a base or pedals, offers TX users a wide selection of products specially designed for different motorsport styles: from GT circuit racing to rally racing on rough terrain, all options are open to Thrustmaster racers.

    The racing wheel features a brushless servomotor with nearly 25 watts of power, for fast and precise performance and impeccable control on any racing terrain.

    Realistic, accurate transmission of the different elements of each race directly to the user’s hands makes this motor a must-have. Contrary to a simple brushed motor, the brushless motor technology built into the TX series racing wheels also allows for an extremely quiet racing experience.

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